Can I use Invisalign with implants Sheffield? FAQs about these restoratives answered
When it comes to straightening teeth, most people think of traditional orthodontic options such as braces or, in more recent times, Invisalign and other invisible aligners.
However, with the growing trend towards cosmetic treatments, there is a significant chance that you may have already undertaken a procedure or two on your teeth, which leads to an exciting set of questions for people who have had restoratives fitted and want to straighten their teeth; can it be done?
When you come to see our team at Dee Kay Dental, we will always look at your clinical history, especially when it comes to having implants Sheffield fitted, as well as how this will impact your ability to have an orthodontic treatment carried out. We will aim to give advice that is relevant to your case and will always seek to ensure that your aesthetic needs are met.
So, if you have implants Sheffield already and are curious about how this may impact having your teeth straightened, read on, as we will seek to answer some of the queries that relate to these options.
Can I use Invisalign if I have an implant fitted?
Generally speaking, if you have implants Sheffield, then you will need to undertake an assessment with our team to see if Invisalign is the right option for you.
Unlike braces, Invisalign is not fitted, and therefore, it does not apply the same amount of pressure to the teeth. So, there is less likely to be an issue with putting pressure onto these restoratives as there would be with braces.
However, as Invisalign is generally used to straighten the front teeth if there are fittings in this area that have become misaligned, our team would need to explore the reasons why.
Can I use a brace if I have had restoratives fitted?
If you have a single implant, or even two, then our team may be able to provide a brace to help your teeth to become straighter.
However, if you have multiple restoratives fitted, a brace will not be able to move them, so it may not be a good idea for you to have a brace fitted. Of course, we will aim to accommodate your needs as best as we can, and this may involve a more cosmetic option being taken by our team based on your clinical needs.
Can restoratives be used to straighten my smile?
They can be, but you will need to have lost a few of your misaligned teeth already or be in the process of having them removed.
As these restoratives are fitted into the jaw, there needs to be the right amount of space for them to be secured, so therefore you will need to have missing teeth. However, if you have misaligned teeth that are in good condition, or do not have signs of extensive decay or other complications, then our team will not be able to remove them and will opt instead for braces or aligners to straighten your smile instead. Under UK law, dental teams are no longer permitted to simply remove healthy teeth to fit restorative options like dentures.